

Dear Sir /Mrs,


CIVIL INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE, the Azov Department of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Managers Activity Institute of the Economical- Sociocultural Studies it declares about the conducting in 2005. By First International Practical-Scientific the Internet Conference, dedicated to the second anniversary of the creation of CIVIL INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE on the preparation of public opinion for conducting of the First World Congress of Spiritual Unity in New York (for the practitioners, the scientists and the graduate students) the "Geopolitical transformation of East Europe and prospect for the development of high technologies" (with the materials of preliminary consideration (March - April of 2005) you can be introduced on site (FORUM) everything, to whom are interesting the problems of FUTURE, the problem of compiling worthy standard of living for the peoples of East Europe on basis of contemporary high technologies we request to participate in the external (remote) conference through the system THE INTERNET. Discussion of questions will be realized 19-20 May of 2005 from 14.00 to 17.00 via interactive contact.


We want to discuss questions on three problems (look ): 1)Document. 65.- Gotta in Europe Document 119.- ODESSA  EUROPE Document 28.-.  Textes of Web Page in English


2)Document. 54.-  The law PRESERVATION of a LABOUR the methodical fundamentals of  the INDEX planning of development of small business. Document 16.-The main aspects of economics in countries of European and Asian Unions....


3)Document. 49. Spaniards salvaged of New York from destruction in 1943/Freedom, Wisdom, Unity / Document 87.- To President of the Commission of the Continental Alliance, Mr Peter Balkine and to the Members of the European Parliament. To the President of the USA, George Bush. To the President of Russia Vladimir Putin


 For the participation in the conference you should direct scientific reports toward our electronic address:  until 19 May, 2005, with the mark "Forum-2005", on 19 May with 14.00 to be registered on the site of the CIVIL INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE,  (Forum of Opinions) and to participate in the considerations. According to the results of work is planned the publication of conference proceedings in the Bulletin of Azov Department AENPD. With the preparation of materials organizational committee requests to participants the following requirements: Scientific reports (with volume from 8 to 12 pages) must be collected on the computer and preserved in size RTF, (designation of file - by English letters in the limits of 8 symbols), type - Times New Roman, the size of type -14 (interline interval - 1,5; the field: it is upper - 2, are lower - 2, left-side - 2 it is right-side - 1). The theme of scientific report - by capital letters of in the middle page, in the upper right-hand corner are indicated surname and the initials of the authors, scientific degree, academic rank, post. Footnotes (size of type - 10) at the end. The themes of communications must answer the theme of conference. Our contact

telephones: (0629) 37-39-79; (0629) 37-67-18







XXI Centuries of Christian Church in the East of Europe:

In Armenia - 1704; in Georgia - 1701; in Ukraine -Gothy-1664/1747 (1664-Ulphila; 1680-Theophilus Bosporitanus; 1747 - Letter of Grigorij). All history of mankind lives in us and it put on an our genetic code. It opening a gene of religion and confirm hundreds lead (carried out) researches by scientists of Europe and America. Therefore the historical truth is necessary for the modern person as well as understanding of high moral values. It is as revival of knowledge of correct road. The understood truth will allow and already gives millions people confidence and forces as well as sincere pure (clean) Belief.