First Vice - Chairman CIC


Dear Sir,
We, the members of the Union "Odessa-Europe",offer to continue Forum 2005 till the October 2005.
We want to know better the materials of the documents N129, 130, 127, 126, and we want to give our offers about the making of rebirth of Spirituals in Ukraine - Gothiya.
We will 28th of May 2005 on the Troyanov Val and we will write everything we understand about the ancient history of Ukraine.
The members of Union of Youth "Odessa-Europe":
Masha Malykhina,
Yana Shulickaya,
Yuliya Glovackaya,
Alice Bogemskaya,
Urchenko Genya,
 Vova Uzun,
Katya Butenko,
Ira Pavlenko,
Ivan Goncharov,
Sasha Ochrimenko,
 Ganuchak Dmitro.


The facts, that prove our thoughts:

1. The letters of neokesariysky bishop Georgiy says us that in 258 Crimean Goths confessed Christianity, and what is the most interesting  - in the orthodoxy.

2. The messages of Saint Afanasy (319-321) are about spreading of Christianity among barbarians and about suffering death of some of them.

3. The Goth bishop Theophlus Bosporitanus was the hierarch that signed the decision of Nikeisky church. And Vulfila may have translated the Bible for Goths and made the special Goths alphabet on the base of Greek and runic symbols.

4. Saint Makariy thought, that Goths diocese was influenced by the Chersons bishop. It is rather interesting that in IX century Saint Epiphaniy described the exploits of Saint Apostle Andrey and wrote that Cherson is the city of Goths.

This information is very good and useful for discussions, because the problem of Goths is itsekf a discussion. But deeper learning these facts and documents will help to explore the ancient history of Christianity.

The Unity of Youth  "Odessa- Europe",
The President,
Masha Malykhina


Christianity of the Crimean Goths
Among the problems of ancient history of eastern-central Europe and Ukraine the problem of Goths is one of the most complicated. Meanwhile, it is no doubt, that Goths of III-IV centuries A.D. were very active and historical power of the northern-eastern borders of Roman Empire. Goths, who had come out from Scandinavia, and after this in II-III centuries A.D. from mouth of Viusla they spread their power over the flats of South and East from Carpathian mountains to the mouths of Dunai and till the northern shore of Black Sea, Goths left their considerable track in the early history of Ukraine.
The problem of Crimean Goths is meant in the linking with learning of deep roots of Christianity on the territory of modern Ukraine, and the ways of acquaintance of ancient Ukrainian  - Rus people with this religion.
Malykhina Masha

Dear Friend Malykhina Masha and Friends of UNION “ODESSA-EUROPE”

It is a good idea that the Forum continued during this whole year 2005. Thank you for your collaboration and interesting contributions.

All Sincerely Yours

Ernesto Garcia

First Vice Chairman of CIC




Предложение по использыванию опыта Запада
Решение геополитических проблем Восточной Европы зависит от возможности эффективного использования интеллектуально-духовного капитала европейского союза. И мы считаем, что этот путь эффективного использования интеллектувльно-духовного потенциала был уже опробирован в Одессе в начале девятнадцатого века, что убедительно изложено в документах 126-127. Считаем целесообразным обратить внимание молодых исследователей на поиск путей адаптации зарубежного опыта к условиям, складывающимся на данном этапе развития в Украине.


Кольчева Людмила

(The solution of the geopolitical problems of East Europe depends on the possibility of the effective use of intellectual- spiritual capital of the Continental Alliance. And we consider that this way of the effective use of intellektuvlсo- spiritual potential was already tested in Odessa in the beginning of the nineteenth century, which is convincingly stated in documents 135-136. We consider it expedient to focus attention of young researchers to the search for the ways of the adaptation of foreign experience to the conditions, which are folded in this stage of development in the Ukraine.

Kolcheva Ludmila)


Dear Friend Kolcheva Ludmila

Thank you for your collaboration and interesting contributions.

All Sincerely Yours

Ernesto Garcia

First Vice Chairman of CIC



В Вашем электронном журнале размещены искренние соболезнования от имени Вашего ГражданскогоМеждународного Комитета народам Испании, России и Сербии, в связи со злодеяниями мирового терроризма против человечества и гуманности. Вы взяли на себя труд и отметили все значительные трагедии нашей цивилизации в 2004 году. Сегодня Вы боритесь с терроризмом в провинции Басков (Документ 137).
Мы искренне поддерживаем Вас в борьбе против международных преступников и за светлое будущее нашей с Вами цивилизации. Считаем необходимым поддержать демократические преобразования в провинции Басков и вовлекать их в интеграционные процессы Европейского Союза.
Якименко Людмила.


Ernesto! In your electronic periodical  are placed sincere condolences on behalf of your CIVIL INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE  to the peoples of Spain, Russia and Serbia, in connection with the crimes of world terrorism against humanity and humanity. You took upon yourselves labor and noted all significant tragedies of our civilization in 2004. Today you fight with the terrorism in the province of Basques (document 137). We sincerely support you in the fight against the international criminals and for bright future our with you civilization. We consider it necessary to support democratic changes in the province of basques and to implicate them into the integration processes of the Continental Alliance.


Yakimenko Ludmila.



Dear Friend Ludmila Yakimenko

Thank you for your collaboration and interesting contribution and support for our Work 

All Sincerely Yours

Ernesto Garcia

First Vice Chairman of CIC



First Vice-Chairman CIC
Dr Ernesto Garcia

Dear Sir,

I saw Doc-54 and 107. I support new ideas in economy.
I think will be very pleasure if Ukaine stay in Trade Association.


Nayalia Pilipenko


Dear Friend Nayalia Pilipenko

Thank you for your collaboration and support for our Work and News Ideas about Economy of  Doc 54 and 107

All Sincerely Yours

Ernesto Garcia

First Vice Chairman of CIC



Издание юбилейного подарочного издания  "Адмирал де Рибас в документах, письмах и воспоминаниях современников…". Данное издание буде неким ответом современного общества и данью памяти к нашей истории, событиям той эпохи, памяти великим именам и деяниям. Именно поэтому девизом книги является фраза – "ВЕК XX ВЕКУ ГРЯДУЩЕМУ!". Учитывая, что жизнь адмирала де Рибаса связана не только с Одессой, но и с С.-Петербургом, Испанией, Италией, впоследствии возможны Презентации этого гуманитарного проекта в таких городах, как: Николаев, Херсон, Измаил, Киев, С.-Петербург, Неаполь, Барселона, что может придать этому изданию статус Международного культурологического проекта, объединяя гуманитарные организации и деловые круги нашего современного общества.

Просим принять к рассмотрению возможные варианты сотрудничества. (Документ 127)

Наталья Коваленко

Publication of anniversary gift publication "Admiral de Ribas in the documents, the letters and the recollections of contemporaries...". This publication of Budde by the certain answer of contemporary society and by tribute to memory to our history, events of that epoch, memory to great names and acts. For this very reason the motto of the book is phrase - "CENTURY TO THE XX CENTURY FUTURE!". Taking into account that Admiral de ribas's life is connected not only with Odessa, but also with S.- Petersburg, Spain, Italy, are subsequently possible the presentations of this humanitarian project in such cities as: Nikolayev, Kherson, Izmail, Kiev, S.- Petersburg, Naples, Barcelona, which can give to this publication status of international kul'turologicheskogo project, uniting humanitarian organizations and business circles of our contemporary society. We request to accept the possible versions of collaboration to the examination. (document 127)

Natalie Kovalenko

Dear Friend Nayalia Kovalenko

Thank you for your meditate and contribution.

All Sincerely Yours

Ernesto Garcia

First Vice Chairman of CIC
